
Writing the words that go with the music...

I've been working with the lovely people in the Public Programs Department, Beck and Julia, at Heide Museum of Modern Art to create an activity sheet to help you get started on your musical adventure in Heide's sculpture park. 

Don't worry, the scratching out and scribblings just mean that our brains have lots of great ideas that we want to share with you.

For example, one of the activities asks you to dance a sculpture!

- Cressida


Our six chosen Heide Sculptures!

We've chosen six sculptures to inspire six musical tracks from Heide's sculpture park.
Here they are: 

1: Running Man by Rick Amor (1995-96)

2. Crescent House by Andrew Burns

Crescent House by

3. Theoretical Matter by Neil Taylor

Theoretical Matter by Neil Taylor

4. Basket and Wave by Denis Oppenheim


5. Under felt-donkey by Yvonne Kendall


6. Rings of Saturn by Inge King

Rings of Saturn by Inge King

Now it's time to compose the music to match these sculptures...

- Cressida