
Running Man Stories

Running Man by Rick Amor

Running Man by Rick Amor

Did you know the story of the Running Man?
We'll I've been lucky enough to hear two stories lately, let me share them with you. 

Rose, aged 5, told me about the Running Man's magical cows... 

Bella, aged 4, told me about the Running Man's day on the farm...

Have you got any Running Man stories that you can share with us?

Email it to us and we'll post it on our blog so everyone can enjoy your story. 
- Cressida

Spacey sculptures

Miss L, aged 5, has been thinking about space ever since she heard the Between Footsteps track #6, Spheres and Planets and saw the sculpture, Rings of Saturn by Inge King at Heide.

So she made a wonderful sculpture out of some glow sticks, took a spacey photo, and sent it to us so that we could share it with you. 

I think it's marvellous. It makes me feel like I'm floating in the deepest, darkest part of the universe...

Playing in the sculpture park

We had a wonderful sunny Saturday last weekend with some of our favourite children (and grown-ups) as they played our music in Heide's sculpture park. 

They told us stories about aliens and chickens, drew us pictures of performing mice and moon bubbles, and made lots of great sounds using sticks, seed pods and whooshing voices!

Here are some of our favourite photos from the day...

Our six chosen Heide Sculptures!

We've chosen six sculptures to inspire six musical tracks from Heide's sculpture park.
Here they are: 

1: Running Man by Rick Amor (1995-96)

2. Crescent House by Andrew Burns

Crescent House by

3. Theoretical Matter by Neil Taylor

Theoretical Matter by Neil Taylor

4. Basket and Wave by Denis Oppenheim


5. Under felt-donkey by Yvonne Kendall


6. Rings of Saturn by Inge King

Rings of Saturn by Inge King

Now it's time to compose the music to match these sculptures...

- Cressida