
Radio stars!

Elissa and I are creating a piece for Radio National based on the stories and music of Between Footsteps! 

Last weekend we spent two sunny days running around Heide's sculpture park and recording the stories of Tess, Harriet, Scarlet, Jeremiah, Emile, Olive, Grace, Matteo, Archer, Maya and Amelie.

Thanks to everyone who took part!

Their stories took us to some interesting places full of monsters, storms, running races, planets, dreams, happiness, dark woods, dancing, kindly Badger, naughty Toad, lasers, glistening whales, rain in India, cheerful bunnies, playful dogs, soft toys, castles, starlit skies, evil chasers, thunder, rock stars, dinosaurs, Mars, cannonballs, sad donkeys, big trees, rollercoasters, swimming in the sea, the Moon, ships made out of marshmallows and books, trees that grow chocolate eggs, seedpods, dust clouds, secret passwords, computer beeps, and a rainbow of colours. 

How are we going to fit it all this magic into ten minutes? We'll keep you posted...

In the meantime here's one small story that we can share, just to satisfy the creative beast in you.

Running Man Stories

Running Man by Rick Amor

Running Man by Rick Amor

Did you know the story of the Running Man?
We'll I've been lucky enough to hear two stories lately, let me share them with you. 

Rose, aged 5, told me about the Running Man's magical cows... 

Bella, aged 4, told me about the Running Man's day on the farm...

Have you got any Running Man stories that you can share with us?

Email it to us and we'll post it on our blog so everyone can enjoy your story. 
- Cressida

Playing in the sculpture park

We had a wonderful sunny Saturday last weekend with some of our favourite children (and grown-ups) as they played our music in Heide's sculpture park. 

They told us stories about aliens and chickens, drew us pictures of performing mice and moon bubbles, and made lots of great sounds using sticks, seed pods and whooshing voices!

Here are some of our favourite photos from the day...